Comins, Neil F.

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Heavenly errors

misconceptions about the real nature of the universe
Identifies more than 1,700 common misconceptions about science and nature and discusses their origins, from incomplete reasoning to sensory misperception.

What if the moon didn't exist?

Voyages to earths that might have been

What if the Earth had two moons?

and nine other thought-provoking speculations on the solar system
Explores how the earth would be different in ten alternative astronomical conditions, including how the planet would change if there was a second moon, if the moon orbited backwards, if the earth's crust were thicker, if there was a counter-Earth, if the sun were less massive, and if there were two suns.

The hazards of space travel

a tourist's guide
Physicist and astronomer Neil F. Comins provides a guide to outer-space travel, and describes that although tourist trips will probably become the norm, there are risks and challenges that tourists will have to face.
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