
Topical Term

Employing linguistics

thinking and talking about careers for linguists
Explores the unique skills and mindset trained linguists bring to diverse career fields--including branding, technology, and healthcare. Offers reflection questions and tasks for professional linguists on recognizing the relevance and value of their training and skills and how to leverage them on the job market.
Cover image of Employing linguistics

Speaking American

how y'all, youse, and you guys talk : a visual guide
Did you know that your answers to just a handful of questions can predict the zip code of where you grew up? In 2013, Josh Katz accumulated and visually mapped over 350,000 unique survey responses to questions about word choice and pronunciation throughout America. His dialect quiz quickly became the most viewed webpage in the history of the New York Times. Offers a visual atlas of the American vernacular--who says what, and where they say it--4revealing the history of our nation, our regions, and our language.


around the world in twenty languages
Explores the histories of twenty languages and dialects, looking at their commonalities and differences.

The map trap

Meet a young girl and her friend Hap as they attempt to follow a map to the lake, while learning words in the -ap word family.
Cover image of The map trap

Making the journey

being and becoming a teacher of English language arts
Leila Christenbury shares her philosophy of teaching English language arts at the secondary and middle school level, discussing the reality of life in the classroom; exploring theoretical and practical issues related to teaching literature, language, and writing; and including ideas and anecdotes.


[a graphic guide]
Text and illustrations, including cartoons, introduce readers to the thought of twentieth-century linguist and social reformer Noam Chomsky.
Cover image of Chomsky


[a graphic guide]
Text and cartoon illustrations provide an introduction to linguistics, covering the history of the discipline, significant individuals and developments, schools of thought, and other related topics.
Cover image of Linguistics

Every word is a bird we teach to sing

encounters with the mysteries and meanings of language
A collection of essays that explores language and how it shapes reality, covering the art of translation, the lyricism of sign language, the numeric language of the author's autistic childhood, and more.
Cover image of Every word is a bird we teach to sing

Secret of the Wild Child

This episode profiles "Genie," a girl whose parents kept her imprisoned in near total isolation from infancy. When social workers discovered her as a teenager, she had not learned to walk or talk. This program includes never-before-seen footage of her rehabilitation and probes how and when we learn the skills that make us "human.".

Reading process and practice

Explains the reading process and provides guidance for language arts teachers, showing how to assess and help students achieve.
Cover image of Reading process and practice


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