
Topical Term

A turtle's guide to introversion

"Here is a. . . book that celebrates the wonderful and often underrated qualities of introverts. The story is narrated by an introverted turtle who finds socializing tiring and often awkward, prefers her alone time, and recharges through solitude. As we follow along through her quotidian adventures, she demonstrates the nuances, occasional woes, and abundant advantages of being an introvert"--Provided by publisher.

Why are you so quiet?

"'Why are you so quiet?' Her classmates shout it. Her teacher demands it. Even her mom wonders it. Myra Louise doesn't know how to answer; but she is a good thinker, a good reader, and a good noticer--surely she can find a way to make them understand. But does she need to?"--Provided by publisher.

Violet Shrink

"Violet's natural introversion and feelings of social anxiety are normalized when she and her father reach a solution together"--Amazon.


based on a true story
"[A graphic novel about] an introverted girl who just [wants] to be left alone [and] a talkative little boy with a very important wish"--Amazon.

The awakened introvert

practical mindfulness skills to help you maximize your strengths & thrive in a loud & crazy world
A set of mindfulness and cognitive behavioral tools to help you maximize your introvert strengths, includes strategies to help you monitor your energy, recharge after social interactions, improve social and communication skills.


the power of introverts in a world that can't stop talking
Explores the role introverts play in a world that is geared towards those who enjoy communicating with others and offers practical suggestions at how introverts can make sure their message is heard.

Introvert power

why your inner life is your hidden strength
Discusses the value of introverts to society and examines how U.S. culture demands that most people come across as an extrovert even if they are not. Covers how to fulfill one's need for solitude in various ways and provides a cross-cultural study on various personality types.

The introvert's way

living a quiet life in a noisy world
Presents personal insights and psychology to help and encourage introverts to embrace their nature and respect their personality and lifestyle.


the power of introverts in a world that can't stop talking
Explores the role introverts play in a world that is geared towards those who enjoy communicating with others and offers practical suggestions at how introverts can make sure their message is heard.

The introvert advantage

how to thrive in an extrovert world
Explains to introverts how to use their temperament to their advantage, covering the workplace, social situations, relationships, and parenting, including parenting of introverted children.


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