internet marketing

Topical Term
internet marketing

Growing your digital business

expanding your social web
Explains the role of live updates?adding content or fixing problems after the product has launched?in maintaining a business's success. The importance of properly managing finances, company resources, and personnel while expanding is also emphasized.

Increasing your tweets, likes, and ratings

marketing your digital business
Explores the role of digital marketing and getting one's product noticed in a competitive market. Digital marketing is the process of using search engines, social media, and mobile devices as part of a strategy to attract and retain customers.

Music 3.0

a survival guide for making music in the Internet age
A guide to getting started in the music industry, covering new markets for musician, and how to use social media websites for self-promotion.

The long tail

why the future of business is selling less of more
Describes certain business and economic models that are often applied in relation to wealth distribution, arguing that products that are in low demand or have low sales volume can collectively make up a market share that rivals the relatively few current bestsellers.


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