Wharton, Edith

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Short stories

Contains a collection of seven short stories by author Edith Wharton on love and marriage, divorce, and the sophistication of high society.

The mother's recompense

Kate returns to New York after abandoning her family years earlier and finds that her daughter is planning to marry a man Kate once was, and still is, in love with.

The glimpses of the moon

Susy and Nick Lansing, a couple with good social connections but no money, find themselves living way beyond their means as they try to gain acceptance.

Ethan Frome

The tragic story of Ethan Frome, a New England farmer married to a hypochondriac and in love with his wife's lively cousin, Mattie.

Wharton : novellas and other writings

Madame de Treymes ; Ethan Frome ; Summer ; Old New York ; The Mother's recompense ; A Backward glance

Wharton : novels

The House of mirth ; The Reef ; The Custom of the country ; The Age of innocence


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