natural resources

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natural resources


An introduction to wind energy that explains how it is possible to use wind as an energy source and discusses the future applications of wind power.

Learning about Natural Resources

Students learn what natural resources are and how we use them. Minerals, petroleum, trees, soil, water, and people are some of the resources featured. Demonstrates how they can be used to provide for the needs and wants of the community- energy, housing, food, products, etc.

Career information center

Presents information and lists further resources on jobs in agribusiness, environment, and natural resources, covering earnings and benefits, outlook, working conditions, and education and training requirements; and provides tips on r?sum?s, applications, interviews, and networking.
Cover image of Career information center

Natural resources

An exploration of natural resources, covering water and mineral resources, forests and forestry, agriculture, management, and other related topics. Includes teacher notes.
Cover image of Natural resources

Natural resources

An illustrated introduction to natural resources.
Cover image of Natural resources

Geothermal power

An exploration of geothermal power that describes how it is harnessed and discusses its advantages and disadvantages as well as its potential for being used as a primary source of energy.
Cover image of Geothermal power

Earth's resources

An investigation of Earth's resources, explaining what they are, looking at the use of air and water, soil, trees, fuels, and rocks and minerals, and discussing the importance of saving resources.

Earth's natural resources

Photographs and illustrations introduce readers to how fossil fuels are formed, how the sun, water, and wind are used as energy sources, and the steps humans must take in order to protect the Earth's natural resources.

Natural resources

"[Relates] the facts about how resources are used around the world, which resources are renewable and non-renewable, and what the future of natural resource management looks like"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Natural resources

The economy of Latin America

This book covers the major drivers of the Latin American region's economy, including exports of agricultural products, petroleum and minerals, and manufactured goods, along with the service and tourism industries. Despite recent improvements, the Latin American economy remains dependent on commodity exports to the West, presenting a challenge to the region's long-term future. When used in the classroom, this resource provides readers with the tools they need to analyze concepts in economics and how they affect the countries of Latin America.
Cover image of The economy of Latin America


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