Penguin classics

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The light of truth

writings of an anti-lynching crusader
A collection of writings by an early civil and women's rights pioneer, Ida B. Wells.

Monkey King

"A shape-shifting trickster on a kung-fu quest for eternal life, Monkey King is one of the most memorable superheroes in world literature. High-spirited and omni-talented, he amasses dazzling weapons and skills on his journey to immortality: a gold-hooped staff that can grow as tall as the sky and shrink to the size of a needle; the ability to travel 108,000 miles in a single somersault. A master of subterfuge, he can transform himself into whomever or whatever he chooses and turn each of his body's 84,000 hairs into an army of clones. But his penchant for mischief repeatedly gets him into trouble, and when he raids Heaven's Orchard of Immortal Peaches and gorges himself on the elixirs of the gods, the Buddha pins him beneath a mountain, freeing him only five hundred years later, for a chance to redeem himself: He is to protect the pious monk Tripitaka on his fourteen-year journey to India in search of precious Buddhist sutras that will bring enlightenment to the Chinese empire. Joined by two other fallen immortals Monkey King undergoes eighty-one trials being serially captured, lacquered, saut?ed, steamed, and liquefied, but always hatching an ingenious plan to get himself and his fellow pilgrims out of their latest jam"--Provided by publisher.

Ars?ne Lupin, gentleman-thief

A collection of stories featuring confidence man and burglar Ars?ne Lupin.

Eichmann in Jerusalem

a report on the banality of evil
Presents Hannah Arendt's report on the trial of Nazi leader Adolf Eichmann and includes material unveiled since the trial, as well as Arendt's postscript addressing the controversy her account sparked when it first appeared in the "New Yorker.".

Dialogues and letters

Explores the thoughts on philosophy and the trials of life of ancient Roman writer, Lucius Annaeus Seneca, and contains his dialogues "On the Shortness of Life" and "On Tranquility of Mind," his statements of Stoic ideals of fortitude and self-reliance.

Tess of the D'Urbervilles

Tess Durbeyfield attempts to restore her family's fortunes by claiming their connection with the the aristocratic d'Urbervilles. After Alec d'Urberville seduces her and makes her life miserable, she meets and falls in love with Angel Clare.

An essay concerning human understanding

Contains the seventeenth-century text in which Locke explores the origin and history of human ideas, and includes the notion that all human ideas take root in sensation and reflection, expounding upon the connection between ideas and verbal signs, and he investigates the the nature of our human understanding.


A reprint of Harlem Renaissance writer Nella Larsen's novel in which Irene, an African-American woman with a comfortable life, is disturbed by the return of a childhood friend, Clare, who has passed for white since adolescence and now wants to rejoin the African-American community.

The crucible

a play in four acts
Presents the text of the Arthur Miller play about the hysteria that gripped Salem, Massachusetts in 1692 after a vengeful teenager leveled an accusation of witchcraft against her employer.

Incidents in the life of a slave girl

The author describes her experiences as a slave in North Carolina, her eventual escape, and emancipation, including descriptions of the seven years she spent hiding in a crawl space above her grandmother's attic.


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