A Norton critical edition

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Melville's Short Novels

Authoritative Texts, Contexts, Criticism
Contains a collection of short novels by Herman Melville, with critical explanatory annotation, and includes the stories: "Bartleby, "The Scrivener", "Billy Budd", and "Benito Cereno.".

Sister Carrie

an authoritative text, backgrounds, and sources criticism
Story of a young country girl who moves to the big city where she starts realizing her own American Dream, first as a mistress to men that she perceives as superior, and later becoming a famous actress.

The Blithedale romance

an authoritative text, contexts, criticism
One of Hawthorne's great romances, The Blithedale Romance draws upon the author's experiences at Brook Farm, the short-lived utopian community where Hawthorne spent much of 1841. Blithedale ("Happy Valley"), another would-be modern Arcadia, is the stage for Hawthorne's grimly comic tragedy (Henry James famously called the novel "the lightest, the brightest, the liveliest" of Hawthorne's "unhumorous fictions"). In his introduction, Robert S. Levine considers biographical and historical contexts and offers a fresh appreciation of the novel's ironic first-person narrator. The John Harvard Library edition reproduces the authoritative text to The Blithedale Romance in The Centenary Edition of the Works of Nathaniel Hawthorne.

Jonathan Swift

the essential writings : authoritative texts, contexts, criticism

Kafka's selected stories

new translations, backgrounds and contexts, criticism

The turn of the screw

Pride and prejudice

Candide; or, Optimism

The wings of the dove

Tess of the d'Urbervilles


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