Zott, Lynn M

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The Beat Generation

Contains entries that examine the lives and careers of sixteen authors and literary figures associated with the Beat Generation, each with an introduction, list of principal works, general and title commentary, and suggestions for further reading. Includes author, title, and subject indexes.
Cover image of The Beat Generation

The Beat Generation

Contains entries that examine the lives and careers of thirteen authors and literary figures associated with the Beat Generation, each with an introduction, list of principal works, general and title commentary, and suggestions for further reading. Includes author, title, and subject indexes.
Cover image of The Beat Generation

Church and state

A collection of essays that presents various perspectives on the relationship between church and state.

Endangered oceans

Presents twenty-five essays that debate various issues that relate to the world's oceans, and discusses the numerous threats to the waters and marine life, federal policies, the fishing industry, and how humans affect marine mammals.


A collection of sixteen essays that addresses various issues related to outsourcing, including corporate innovation, the United States economy, and corporate profitability.

Women's health

"Opposing Viewpoints is the leading source for libraries and classrooms in need of current-issue materials. The viewpoints are selected from a wide range of highly respected sources and publications. This title in the series discusses the latest issues concerning the health of women."--.

The environment

Provides opposing viewpoints on issues related to the topic of the environment.

Women's health

A collection of articles that discuss the various viewpoints surrounding topics related to women's health.

Hacking and hackers

Contains twenty-one essays in which the authors debate issues related to the topic of hacking.

Native Americans

This book is a collection of articles in which authors debate whether the U.S. government has failed to adequately support tribal courts, whether the Bureau of Indian Affairs is dysfunctional, whether the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act impedes progress, and much more.


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