Exploremos la ciencia

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Tecnologia medica e ingenieria

An introduction to advancements in medical technology and engineering, sharing real-world examples, and describing how they impact human lives.
Cover image of Tecnologia medica e ingenieria

Plantas fuera de lugar

Examines the impact of an invasive plant species on an environment, discussing how new plants get introduced into foreign habitats, and describing examples from history.
Cover image of Plantas fuera de lugar

Los fosiles : hallazgos del pasado

Explains what fossils are, describes the two main kinds of fossils and how they form, and discusses how fossils are discovered and what they reveal about the history of life on Earth.
Cover image of Los fosiles : hallazgos del pasado

Las placas tectonicas y los desastres

Clear text, photographs, and graphics provide an introduction to topics related to plate tectonics and natural disasters.
Cover image of Las placas tectonicas y los desastres

La Tierra y la importancia del agua

Text, photographs, and graphics provide an introduction to topics related to the role of water on Earth.
Cover image of La Tierra y la importancia del agua

La ciencia de los animales

Clear text, photographs, and graphics provide an introduction to topics related to animal science, such as animal husbandry, pets, and livestock.
Cover image of La ciencia de los animales

La biodiversidad

Clear text, photographs, and graphics provide an introduction to topics related to biodiversity.
Cover image of La biodiversidad

Inundaciones, represas y diques

Provides information about floods, discussing causes, how to control the water, people who help, and how to stay safe.
Cover image of Inundaciones, represas y diques

Gracias, NASA!

Clear text, photographs, and graphics describe the work of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).
Cover image of Gracias, NASA!

El sistema nervioso

An introduction to the nervous system, discussing the brain, the spinal cord, the senses, and more.
Cover image of El sistema nervioso


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