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Cracking the AP chemistry exam

A study guide for the AP chemistry exam that offers test-taking strategies, topic reviews, and five full-length practice tests with detailed answer explanations.

Cracking the AP English language and composition exam, premium

A study guide for students preparing to take the Advanced Placement English language and composition exam that includes subject reviews, guidance on the multiple-choice questions and essays, sample scored argumentative and expository essays by students, a vocabulary guide, and three full-length practice tests with explanations of the correct and incorrect answers.

Cracking the AP environmental science exam

A guide to preparing for the Advanced Placement environmental science exam, featuring a review of key labs, practice questions, lists of important environmental science terms, and two full-length practice tests with explained answers.

AP English language, 2020

A guide to taking the Advanced Placement English Language exam that provides a five-step plan for studying, sample tests based on actual AP exams, and hundreds of tips and strategies for the test.

AP biology, 2020

Provides tips and strategies to prepare for the Advanced Placement Biology exam, detailing a five-step study plan, and providing three practice exams.

Cracking the AP English literature & composition exam

A guide to preparing for the English literature and composition exam for advanced placement, featuring topic reviews, a glossary of key terms, and two full-length practice exams with explained answers.

Cracking the AP physics 1 exam

A guide to preparing for the Advanced Placement physics 1 exam, featuring a review of subjects covered on the test, test-taking strategies, and five full-length practice exams with explained answers.

Cracking the AP Biology exam

A guide to preparing for the Advanced Placement exam in biology, featuring test-taking strategies, a review of concepts, and five full-length practice exams with explained answers.

AP art history

Presents study tools for the Advanced Placement art history exam, including subject reviews, test-taking tips, and five full-length practice exams with explained answers.

AP Spanish language & culture prep

Provides tips and strategies to prepare for the Advanced Placement Spanish exam.


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