What's the big idea?

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Money and trade

"... explores how throughout time societies have switched from basic bartering and trading to using money to exchange items of value [covering] the origins of trade and Europe's trade routes [and] about how these things have influenced modern trading... "--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Money and trade

Nations and nationality

Provides an introduction to the concept of nations and nationality.
Cover image of Nations and nationality

Society and social organization

Provides an introduction to society and social systems throughout history.
Cover image of Society and social organization

Knowledge and education

Provides an introduction to education and knowledge throughout history.
Cover image of Knowledge and education

Politics and democracy

"... exposes readers to historical information regarding the formation of modern politics and democracy. From the early days of democracy in Athens, politics and government systems have undergone several changes up to the present moment. After the fall of the Roman Empire, most of Europe operated with a monarchical political system. Readerswill learn how modern politics and governments have been influenced by such systems as Communism and fascism."--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Politics and democracy

Human rights

"... explores human rights today and how human rights have developed over time."--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Human rights

How strong is it?

a mighty book all about strength
Presents a visual guide to items and animals of various strength and substance, including such examples as spider webs, bulldozers, black holes, lasers, icebreakers, and the Hercules beetle.

How big is it?

a big book all about bigness
Shows just how big several big things truly are by setting them next to other items in illustrations.
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