New perspectives

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Hiroshima and Nagasaki

Describes the causes and horrible effects of the 1945 bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

The Berlin Wall

Discusses the history of the Berlin Wall from its building, through life with tensions this barrier created, to the destruction of the wall and life afterwards.

The Holocaust

Examines the early persecution of Jews in Germany, the rise to power of the Nazis, the concentration camps, and other historical events surrounding the Holocaust.

Crisis in Rwanda

Relates events in Rwanda after the murder of President Habyarimana including the genocide of the Tutsi, the ill-treatment of refugees, and the eventual reconciliation.

Israel and the Arab nations in conflict

Focuses on the decades-old conflict between the Israelis and the Arabs while tracing the history of the Middle East including the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin in 1995.

The rise of the Nazis

Examines the history surrounding the Nazi rise to power in Germany following World War I.

The war in former Yugoslavia

An overview of the war and tragedy in former Yugoslavia.

The war in Kosovo

Explains the history of the recent conflict in Kosovo and the NATO intervention against Serbia.

Chernobyl and other nuclear accidents

Describes the incidents and possible causes connected with such nuclear accidents as Chernobyl, Windscale, and Three Mile Island.
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