Marx, Karl

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The Communist manifesto

Presents the 1848 treatise on the economic, political, and social conditions of the working class, which served as the platform of the Communist League; and includes an introductory essay, notes, and an index.

The Communist manifesto

Presents an English translation of the 1848 treatise on the economic, political, and social conditions of the working class, which served as the platform of the Communist League.

The wisdom of Karl Marx

An alphabetically arranged reference guide to the terms, concepts, and philosophies of Karl Marx.

The Communist manifesto

a road map to history's most important political document

Marx, Engles: on colonialism

Marx and Engels deal with the history of colonialism and the Marxist analysis of the economies of colonial policy.

Anarchism and anarcho-syndicalism

Major writings on the idea and practice of anarchism and writings on the syndicalist and economist trends in the labor movement and sectarian and leftist tendencies in the Communist movement during and after the Russian Revolution of 1917.

Marx and Engels on religion

Views on the essence and origin of religion and its role in class society.


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