Just like us!

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Just like us! cats

"Discover the unexpected ways humans and cats are similar. From their roles as . . . parents and . . . diplomats to their talents for running and swimming, cats are a lot more like humans than meets the eye"--Provided by publisher.

Just like us! Crocs

Looks at crocodilians, including alligators, crocodiles, and caimans.

Just like us! cats

"Discover the unexpected ways humans and cats are similar. From their roles as . . . parents and . . . diplomats to their talents for running and swimming, cats are a lot more like humans than meets the eye"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Just like us! cats

Just like us! fish

Text and illustrations look at how humans and fish are alike.
Cover image of Just like us! fish

Just like us! Crocs

Looks at crocodilians, including alligators, crocodiles, and caimans.
Cover image of Just like us! Crocs

Just like us! plants

Text and illustrations look at how humans and plants are alike.
Cover image of Just like us! plants

Just like us! ants

"Gives young readers an up-close and personal look at how ants do things that are remarkably similar to the way humans do"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Just like us! ants

Just like us! Birds

"Gives young readers an up-close and personal look at how birds do things that are remarkably similar to the way humans do"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Just like us! Birds
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