Moriarty, Jaclyn

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The cracks in the kingdom

Princess Ko is getting desperate to find her father and prevent war in her kingdom. He is lost in the World with no memory of his former life. She gathers a special group of teens to find the missing royals of Cello, including Elliot Baranski who can communicate with the World through Madeleine Tully.

A tangle of gold

In Cambridge, England, Madeleine Tully is still working to gather the Royal Family, and get them back to their parallel world--but in Cello, Elliot Baranski is being held captive, the Hostiles are working against the Royal Family, and the World Severance Unit is trying to stop all contact between Cello and the World for good.

The ghosts of Ashbury High

Student essays, scholarship committee members' notes, and other writings reveal interactions between a group of modern-day students at an exclusive New South Wales high school and their strange connection to a young Irishman transported to Australia in the early 1800s.

The Murder of Bindy Mackenzie

Class brain Bindy Mackenzie has alienated her entire high school, but when she realizes someone is trying to kill her, she has to make friends in order to get help.

The spell book of Listen Taylor

Twelve-year-old Listen Taylor learns a great deal from the eccentric and secretive Zing family, as she fumbles her way through a new school, problems with old friends, and a spell book she finds soon after she and her father move in with Marbie Zing.

The year of secret assignments*

Three female students from Ashbury High write to three male students from rival Brookfield High as part of a pen pal program, leading to romance, humiliation, revenge plots, and war between the schools.

The murder of Bindy MacKenzie

Class brain Bindy Mackenzie has alienated her entire high school but when she realizes someone is trying to kill her, she has to make friends in order to get help.

Feeling sorry for Celia

An epistolary novel about a teenager named Elizabeth, made up of notes and letters from her best friend, a runaway named Celia; Christina, the new pen pal Elizabeth reluctantly takes on for a school assignment; her busy mother; and Elizabeth's own angst-ridden mind.

The spell book of Listen Taylor

(and the secrets of the family zing)
Twelve-year-old Listen Taylor learns a great deal from the eccentric and secretive Zing family, as she fumbles her way through a new school, problems with old friends, and a spell book she finds soon after she and her father move in with Marbie Zing.

A corner of white

Fourteen-year-old Madeleine of Cambridge, England, struggling to cope with poverty and her mother's illness, and fifteen-year-old Elliot of the Kingdom of Cello in a parallel world where colors are villainous and his father is missing, begin exchanging notes through a crack between their worlds and find they can be of great help to each other.


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