To the constant disappointment of his mother and his teachers, Joey has trouble paying attention or controlling his mood swings when his prescription medications wear off and he starts getting worked up and acting wired.
Provides an overview of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and other emotional and behavioral disorders, and discusses symptoms, causes, and treatment options.
Louis finds it difficult to keep his inner itching, twitching, and jumping under control until his mother teaches him some tricks she learned from her own experiences with attention deficit disorder to stay still and focused.
"Seventh-grader Joseph Friedman is friendless and puny, with ADD to boot. He spends most of his time avoiding the class bully and hiding out in the Resource Room. But the Resource Room teacher encourages (i.e., practically forces) him to join the school cross country team, and he meets Heather, a new student who's tough and athletic and refuses to be pushed around by anybody"--Provided by publisher.
"Everything goes topsy-turvy for Joey as he becomes the man of the house, looking after his new baby brother, taking care of his troubled mother, and seeking out his missing father"--Provided by publisher.
Provides answers to one hundred questions about attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in children, discussing diagnosis, medication, risk factors, symptoms, psychological issues, and other related topics.