Darwin, Charles

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The origin of species

and, The voyage of the Beagle
Presents Charles Darwin's classic in which he argues that species change over time, evolving or dying out entirely, through the process of natural selection; and his journals from his five-year voyage around the world on the "H.M.S. Beagle, " in which he recorded his observations on geology and natural history.

The origin of species

by means of natural selection of the preservation of favored races in the struggle for life
Presents Charles Darwin's influential text in which he argues that species change over time, evolving or dying out entirely, through the process of natural selection.

The Darwin reader

Presents passages from nine of Darwin's more influential works and includes critical commentaries with each section.


Contains the autobiographical memoirs of Charles Darwin in which he shares stories of his youth and family, and focuses on his public career and achievements in science.

On the origin of species

Introduces the author's unabridged theories of evolution by natural selection concluding with a subject index. Discusses the struggle for existence in the natural world, laws of variation, instinct, geographical distribution, hybrids and the appearance of new species.

The origin of species

and, The voyage of the Beagle
Presents Charles Darwin's classic in which he argues that species change over time, evolving or dying out entirely, through the process of natural selection; and his journals from his five-year voyage around the world on the "H.M.S. Beagle, " in which he recorded his observations on geology and natural history.

The voyage of the Beagle

Charles Darwin chronicles the five years he spent early in his career aboard the survey ship HMS "Beagle, " exploring the Southern Hemisphere, including Brazilian rain forests, the Andes, and the Gal?pagos Islands.

The origin of species

by means of natural selection or the preservation of favoured races in the struggle for life


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