Wollstonecraft, Mary

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A vindication of the rights of women

"Mary Woolstonecroft is now regarded as one of the founding feminist philosophers, and her writings are a key voice in a feminist conversation that still continues today. Writing in a time when men were asserting their rights in revolutions in America and France, Wollstonecraft produced her own declaration of female independence in 1792. . . . An equal education for girls and boys, an end to prejudice and a chance for women to become defined by their profession, not their partner, were all some of Wollstonecraft's Mary Wollstonecraft's work was received at the time with a mixture of admiration and outrage, she is now rightly viewed as a powerful matriarch of modern feminism"--Amazon.

The feminist papers

a vindication of the rights of women
Presents Mary Wollstonecraft's eighteenth-century text in which she argues for the emancipation of women and discusses modesty, morality, a woman's duty to her parents, and other related topics.

Complete poetical works

Complete poetical works

A vindication of the rights of woman

Author Mary Wollstonecraft presents her argument for the emancipation of women.
Cover image of A vindication of the rights of woman

A vindication of the rights of woman

an authoritative text backgrounds and contexts criticism

A vindication of the rights of woman

Discusses the rights of women in the late 1700s focusing on a woman's education, social position, and her relationships with men based on an "enlightenment principle.".

A Vindication of the rights of men

Eighteenth-century author and feminist Mary Wollstonecraft challenges Edmund Burke's argument published in his "Reflections on the Revolution in France" where he supported hereditary succession, the alliance of church and state in order to maintain social order, and the notion that only men of property be in ultimate authority.

A vindication of the rights of woman

Presents the eighteenth-century text in which Wollstonecraft presents her argument for the emancipation of women.
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