teacher participation in administration

Topical Term
teacher participation in administration

Trusting teachers with school success

what happens when teachers call the shots
"Examining the experiences of teachers who have already been liberated, this book discusses what teachers would do if they had the autonomy not just to make classroom decisions, but to collectively--with their colleagues--make the decisions influencing whole school success; decisions such as school curriculum; how to allocate the school budget; and who to hire and fire"--.
Cover image of Trusting teachers with school success

Casebook on school reform

Presents six case studies that provide various perspectives on issues of school reform.

Creating a positive school culture

how principals and teachers can solve problems together
Provides strategies to help teachers and principals work together to identify and solve staff problems, prevent conflict, and enrich school climates.

Uncovering teacher leadership

essays and voices from the field

Collaborative teacher leadership

how teachers can foster equitable schools

How to thrive as a teacher leader

Presents an examination of leadership in education, including information on the different qualities of teacher leaders, with practical advice on enhancing communication, overcoming obstacles, energizing colleagues, and improving student and teacher achievement.

Empowering teachers

what successful principals do

Leadership capacity for lasting school improvement

Examines how schools around the world have applied the ideas presented in "Building Leadership Capacity" and identifies the five prerequisites for high school leadership capacity.

Teacher leadership that strengthens professional practice

Offers teachers and administrators practical tips to help them better support the development of outstanding teacher leaders who are committed to helping their students through informal and voluntary leading efforts.


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