Be your best you

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Be aware!

a hero's guide to being smart and staying safe
Teaches children how to stay safe by being aware--paying attention to their surroundings, trusting their instincts, and keeping personal information private.
Cover image of Be aware!

Be well!

a hero's guide to a healthy mind and body
Teaches children about wellness and why fresh air, healthy food, and exercise are important.
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Be bold!

a hero's guide to being brave
Teaches children how to find courage and be adventurous, facing their fears and trying new things even if they fail.
Cover image of Be bold!

Be kind!

a hero's guide to beating bullying
An introduction to bullying and what to do about it.
Cover image of Be kind!

Be strong!

a hero's guide to being resilient
Teaches children how to be strong and resilient by handling tough situations, learning from their mistakes, and staying positive.
Cover image of Be strong!

Be respectful!

a hero's guide to being courteous
Teaches children how to be respectful and courteous by not only being polite, but also showing tolerance, doing good deeds, and making wise choices.
Cover image of Be respectful!
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