health care reform

Topical Term
health care reform

Testing the medical covenant

active euthanasia and health care reform
Explores the debate over physician-assisted suicide and access to health care, looking at the implications of the medical covenant with regard to euthanasia and health care reform, and provides a covenantal view of professional character and virtue.

The healing of America

a global quest for better, cheaper, and fairer health care
Considers how other countries are able to offer affordable health care for their citizens and questions whether the United States will ever be able to do the same. Explores the various benefits offered by foreign health care systems and provides an assortment of guidelines the United States can follow to reform health care and benefit the public.

Health care in America

opposing viewpoints
Presents different viewpoints on issues relating to health care in the United States through book excerpts, articles, speeches, cartoons, and quotations.

The two percent solution

fixing America's problems in ways liberals and conservatives can love
Examines some of America's biggest domestic problems and suggests solutions that the author considers to be affordable, practical, and within reach of both liberals and conservatives.

Health care

Explores issues related to health care in the United States, discussing life expectancy, advancements in medicine, AIDS, cigarette smoking, the cost of care, end-of-life decisions, and public health threats.

Health care for everyone

Explores the problems associated with health costs for many Americans, proposed solutions to these problems, and American hopes and fears about current health care reform policies.

Health care

Provides an overview of the American health care system, discusses the debate about reform, examines systems in other countries, and explains the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.


Provides the history of Medicare, explains its current coverage, and discusses its future survival. Examines current issues about the plan, options for alternate coverage, long-term-care coverage, the funding crisis, Medicaid, and the recent health-care reforms. Includes photos, a timeline, a glossary, and an index.


the constitutional challenge to Obamacare
" This inside story of the legal challenge to Obamacare from a conservative constitutional lawyer involved in the movement is a brilliant mixture of legal, political, and media intrigue capped by a truly consequential Supreme Court decision"--.

Deadly spin

an insurance company insider speaks out on how corporate PR is killing health care and deceiving Americans


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