Boom science

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Sounds that surround us can be vastly different. Still, the earsplitting blast of a car horn and the melodious chirp of a songbird travel to our ears in the exact same way. This eye-opening book explains how sound travels as well as the connection between sound and energy. Readers will delight in the vibrant panels and enlightening facts, which are conveyed in an accessible and compelling comic-book design. Quiz questions, puzzles, and humor abound in this must-have addition to any elementary science library or class.
Cover image of Sound


Why is summer hot and winter cold? Why do leaves change color in autumn and blossoms appear on trees in spring? People can rely on certain changes to happen every year, during the periods we call the seasons, but many don't know why they occur. This comic-style volume overflows with important curricular content amid engaging text and appealing graphics. The animated design reflects the most interesting concepts about seasons and encourages young scientists to apply what they learn to the world around them. Questions and an answer key inspire readers to quiz themselves about their understanding.
Cover image of Seasons


Botany is a vital branch of science. A world without plants would be a world without delicious foods, beautiful flowers, and the durable materials that make up our homes, and of course, our oxygen would be depleted. The engaging text of this noteworthy volume will appeal to scientists and comic-book lovers alike. Eye-catching designs draw the reader to important curricular content while colorful cartoons both teach and amuse. Readers can answer quiz questions to evaluate their understanding of the essential subject matter.
Cover image of Plants


So many materials make up our world, such as wood, glass, metal, plastic, and water. They are each composed of different kinds of matter. Engaging curricular science meets a colorful comic-book design in this cool take on the science of materials. Readers will learn how substances combine to make familiar objects and how our world would be much different without them. Fun facts, puzzles, experiments, and quiz questions will keep young scientists motivated to investigate the matter of the objects in their lives.
Cover image of Materials


There are so many sources of light in our world: the sun, fire, electric lamps, flashlights, lightning, and countless more. Even some animals give off light. What makes these sources light up? This lively look at a fundamental segment of science combines a colorful comic-book design with important and accessible curricular content. Readers will be motivated to test their understanding of the topics with quiz questions and they'll appreciate the bright graphics that highlight need-to-know concepts.
Cover image of Light

Human body

The human body is a bit like its own universe: each limb, organ, and body system is a remarkable world to explore. Everything functions in sync to make the body the most amazing and complex machine we know of. Fascinating facts about the body are clearly explained in this accessible and appealing narrative, which mirrors the pages of a comic book. Essential concepts are highlighted in inviting boxes and detailed diagrams. Young scientists can assess their comprehension of curricular concepts through quiz questions featured throughout.
Cover image of Human body


Many forces of nature are at work all the time around us, without us even considering them. Friction slows down moving objects. Gravity fixes our feet to the ground. Magnetism sticks our objects to the fridge and keeps our computers working. This dynamic book, styled like a colorful comic, sheds light on these unseen forces surrounding us. Key scientific concepts are explained in a comprehensible way and accompanied by appealing graphics and diagrams. Questions featured throughout the text quiz readers and help them evaluate their understanding.
Cover image of Forces


Electricity can seem like a mysterious force. We often don't even think about it, until the power goes off. This valuable volume allows young scientists to explore the energy we call electricity and understand how humans have harnessed it to power our homes and devices today. Essential information is explained in an accessible and entertaining comic-book design. Beneficial diagrams further enable readers to comprehend key concepts and quiz questions allow for self-assessment.
Cover image of Electricity


Text and illustrations provide an introduction to sound, discussing how we hear, how sound moves, and more.
Cover image of Sound


Text and illustrations provide an introduction to the seasons, discussing the reason why we have them, how they impact animals and plants, and seasonal celebrations.
Cover image of Seasons


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