war victims

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war victims

Tales from a child of the enemy

A collection of personal narrative poems in which the author, a German gentile born at the outbreak of World War II, expresses her feelings about the Holocaust.

Children of Armenia

a forgotten genocide and the century-long struggle for justice
Discusses the Turkish government's, and the international community's, reluctance to acknowledge the Armenian Genocide that began in 1915, and chronicles the history of the denial of the massacres and battles between Turkey's lobbyists and Armenian-American activists over congressional genocide resolutions.

War is not over when it's over

women speak out from the ruins of war
Collects the stories of women who describe their lives in the aftermath of war, including women from Africa, East Asia, and the Middle East, and describing injuries, displacement, the destruction of communities, violence against women, and more.

Children of Armenia

a forgotten genocide and the century-long struggle for justice
From 1915 to 1923, the Ottoman Empire drove the Armenians from their ancestral homeland and killed 1.5 million of them. President Woodrow Wilson led a movement to help the Armenians but the genocide was lost in the focus on World War I and the flu pandemic and the Turks were never held accountable for their atrocities against the Armenians.

In defense of our country

survivors of military conflict
Presents the experiences of people who have survived wars, telling how their lives have changed as a result.

Human rights

Discusses pacts and treaties, both past and present, designed to protect human rights throughout the world, including the League of Nations, and the Geneva Conventions of 1864, 1906, 1929, and 1949.

The Lost Boys of Sudan

"Presents accounts of narrow escapes executed by oppressed individuals and groups while illuminating social issues and the historical background that led to wars in Sudan and the orphaned refugees known as the 'Lost Boys'"--Provided by publisher.

Children during wartime

Contains a look at what it was like for children during World War II, in simple text with illustrations, describing the fate of Jewish children with the Nazis, what toys and games they played, wartime rationing, and more.

A thousand sisters

my journey of hope into the worst place on earth to be a woman
The author shares the story of how an episode of "Oprah" inspired her to travel to Congo, discusses her experiences in what she calls the worst place in the world to be a woman, and describes her efforts to help the women of Congo by founding the national organization Run for Congo Women.

The book of Jonas

Fifteen-year-old Jonas, the only survivor of his family after the U.S. bombs his Middle Eastern country, relocates to America where he tells a counselor about Christopher Henderson, an American soldier who disappeared after saving him.


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