Ask the constitution

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Is every American adult allowed to vote?

"When the United States of America began as a country, only white men who owned land could vote. Over the last 230 years, people have fought and protested and even died to expand the right to vote to include every adult over the age of eighteen--in theory. Today, are there ways you can lose your right to vote? And if it's too difficult to vote, can we really say that you still have that right? Voting is the best and sometimes only way Americans can have a say in their government--which is why it's worth fighting for"--OCLC.

Can anyone own a gun?

"Since the birth of the United States of America, the question of who can own a gun has been debated by passionate people on both sides of the argument. The Founding Fathers are no longer around to clarify exactly what they meant in the Second Amendment. As the country suffers an increasing number of public shootings in schools and beyond, the question of who should be able to own a gun becomes even more important for the safety of everyone in America. Readers will explore the issue and make an intelligent decision for themselves"--Amazon.

Do women have equal rights?

"Our understanding of gender has changed quite a bit since the Constitution was first written. Yet, there has always been debate about how women should be included under the laws that govern the United States. The women's suffrage movement fought to give women the right to vote. With the passage of the Nineteenth Amendment in 1920, this dream was finally realized. There have been many more battles along the way, including for the Equal Rights Amendment, which would guarantee equal rights under the Constitution regardless of sex or gender. What does the Constitution say about women, and what amendments do feminists argue should be passed? Readers explore the answers to these questions and more"--Provided by publisher.

Can states make their own laws?

"America is a complex tapestry of laws, from the local ones passed by your city council to national laws made by Congress. Sometimes Congress passes a law to build a program, such as the Affordable Care Act, and then hands some or all of its administration over to the states. Was it always like this? What happens when a state and the national government disagree? Readers find out how these issues have evolved since before the Constitution was signed"--Amazon.

Can certain religions be outlawed?

Looks at the religion laws of the United States, discussing the history, the Bill of Rights, the challenges presented, and more.

Is every American adult allowed to vote?

"When the United States of America began as a country, only white men who owned land could vote. Over the last 230 years, people have fought and protested and even died to expand the right to vote to include every adult over the age of eighteen--in theory. Today, are there ways you can lose your right to vote? And if it's too difficult to vote, can we really say that you still have that right? Voting is the best and sometimes only way Americans can have a say in their government--which is why it's worth fighting for"--OCLC.
Cover image of Is every American adult allowed to vote?

Do women have equal rights?

"Our understanding of gender has changed quite a bit since the Constitution was first written. Yet, there has always been debate about how women should be included under the laws that govern the United States. The women's suffrage movement fought to give women the right to vote. With the passage of the Nineteenth Amendment in 1920, this dream was finally realized. There have been many more battles along the way, including for the Equal Rights Amendment, which would guarantee equal rights under the Constitution regardless of sex or gender. What does the Constitution say about women, and what amendments do feminists argue should be passed? Readers explore the answers to these questions and more"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Do women have equal rights?

Do immigrants have the right to come to the United States?

Looks at the immigration laws of the United States, discussing their history, the rights of immigrants, the challenges presented and more.
Cover image of Do immigrants have the right to come to the United States?

Can certain religions be outlawed?

Looks at the religion laws of the United States, discussing the history, the Bill of Rights, the challenges presented, and more.
Cover image of Can certain religions be outlawed?

Can anyone own a gun?

"Since the birth of the United States of America, the question of who can own a gun has been debated by passionate people on both sides of the argument. The Founding Fathers are no longer around to clarify exactly what they meant in the Second Amendment. As the country suffers an increasing number of public shootings in schools and beyond, the question of who should be able to own a gun becomes even more important for the safety of everyone in America. Readers will explore the issue and make an intelligent decision for themselves"--Amazon.
Cover image of Can anyone own a gun?


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