correctional institutions

Topical Term
correctional institutions

Inside Rikers

stories from the world's largest penal colony
Describes the world's largest and most expensive correctional facility, offers an incisive portrait of its more than eighteen thousand inmates and the individuals who work there, and discusses the changes that have transformed the jail.

Correctional facilities

Explains the purpose of correctional facilities and describes various kinds including jails and prisons as well as alternatives to incarceration such as probation and parole.

Crime, prisons, and jails

Contains studies, surveys, and statistics on issues related to crime, prisons, and jails, covering victims, hate crimes and terrorism in the U.S., correctional facilities, probation and parole, and other topics.

Prisons and jails

a deterrent to crime?
A compilation of facts and statistics on prisons and jails in the U.S., covering such topics as corrections history, expenditures, juvenile confinement, inmate health, and parole.

The Twelve-fingered boy

Fifteen-year-old fast-talking Shreve is thriving in juvenile detention until he is assigned a strangely silent and vulnerable new cellmate, Jack, who just might have superpowers and who attracts the attention both of the cellblock bullies and sinister Mr. Quincrux.


Ariana Osgood is determined to regain her luxurious lifestyle, but first she must escape from the Brenda T. Trumbull Correctional Facility for Women, in which she has already spent two years for the murder of Thomas Pearson.


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