World's greatest mysteries

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Investigating UFOs

"Any unexplained object that people see in the sky is known as an Unidentified Flying Object, or UFO. Today, one in seven Americans claims to have seen a UFO. Learn more in Investigating UFOs, a World's Greatest Mysteries book"--From the publisher's web site.

Investigating Sasquatch

Explores the mystery of the Sasquatch monster, describing the history of the legend, various Sasquatch sightings, evidence, Sasquatch theories, and more.

Investigating the D.B. Cooper hijacking

Looks at the hijacking of a plane in 1972 in which D.B. Cooper jumped out of an airplane with $200,000 which has never been recovered and he has never been found.

Investigating haunted houses

Investigates haunted houses, describing signs of possible ghosts, ghostly sightings, haunted places around the world, possible explanations, and more.

Investigating the Bermuda Triangle

"Ships and planes have gone missing in the Bermuda Triangle for more than 150 years. Explanations range from aliens to rogue waves. Learn more in Investigating the Bermuda Triangle, a World's Greatest Mysteries book"--From the publisher's web site.

Investigating ghosts

"People have believed in ghosts since ancient times. In 2018, more than half of the people responding to a survey believed they had seen one. Learn more in Investigating Ghosts, a World's Greatest Mysteries book"--From the publisher's web site.

Investigating crop circles

"The earliest known record of crop circles is more than 300 years old. Today, more than 10,000 have been recorded around the world. Learn more in Investigating Crop Circles, a World's Greatest Mysteries book"--From the publisher's web site.

Investigating Sasquatch

Explores the mystery of the Sasquatch monster, describing the history of the legend, various Sasquatch sightings, evidence, Sasquatch theories, and more.
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