At issue. International politics

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Weapons of war

Contains fourteen essays that offer different perspectives on issues related to weaponry and warfare, discussing nuclear weapons, biological weapons, landmines, threats of terrorists, and related topics.

Should the U.S. do business with China?

A collection of fourteen essays that debates whether the United States should do business with China, discussing if trade benefits the U.S., the effects of economic engagement on the politics of China, recalls of products, exploitation of workers by the Chinese government, and other related topics.

What is the state of human rights?

Presents a collection of essays that debate the various issues related to human rights, including discussions about sweatshops, the Patriot Act, and prisoners at Guantanamo Bay.

Nuclear weapons

Contains thirteen essays that address issues concerning nuclear weapons, discussing the seriousness of the proliferation of nuclear weapons, the United States' management of Iran, North Korea's nuclear program, and other topics.

Is foreign aid necessary?

Contains articles that provide a variety of perspectives on issues related to foreign aid.

Is torture ever justified?

Presents thirteen essays, written by such contributors as Barack Obama and Christopher Hitchens, that debate the use of torture, and discusses such issues as the legalization and regulation of torture, the statutes of the Geneva Convention, the Abu Ghraib prisoner case, and U.S. foreign policy objectives.

Is Iran a threat to global security?

Twelve essays argue opposing points on the issue of whether Iran is a threat, discussing the country's nuclear program, diplomacy in American-Iranian relations, and other topics.

How should the U.S. proceed in Afghanistan?

A collection of essays that provides varying perspective on issues concerning the United States' involvement in Afghanistan, including the effects of a withdrawal, the participation of NATO, and prospects of overcoming the Taliban.

What role should the U.S. play in the Middle East?

A collection of twelve controversial essays that debate issues associated with the United States' role in the Middle East, including U.S. intervention in Iraq, Iran, and Afghanistan.


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