Kraus, Dita

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A delayed life

the true story of the librarian of Auschwitz
Provides a biography of Jewish Holocaust survivor Dita Kraus who became known as the Librarian of Auschwitz. Discusses her upbringing, incarceration in the Auschwitz concentration camp, and her adulthood.

A delayed life

the true story of the librarian of Auschwitz
"Dita Kraus grew up in Prague in an intellectual, middle-class Jewish family. She went to school, played with her friends, and never thought of herself as being different--until the advent of the Holocaust. Torn from her home, Dita was sent to Auschwitz with her family. From her time in the children's block of Auschwitz to her liberation from the camps on into her adulthood, Dita's powerful memoir sheds light on an incredible life--one that is delayed no longer"--Book jacket.
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