clinical trials

Topical Term
clinical trials

Finding a COVID-19 vaccine

"Vaccines protect people from getting sick, but scientists must do a lot research to create vaccines. Companies rushed to make a vaccine that would stop the global spread of COVID-19. [This book] . . . examines the process of creating and distributing a COVID-19 vaccine"--Provided by publisher.

State of grace

Ever since she was created, Wren has lived with her friends in an Eden created by Dot--but lately she has been troubled by visions of a very different world, and when she meets Dennis who comes from outside, she begins to confront the ugly truth at the heart of paradise.

Medical testing

Examines arguments on both sides of the debate over medical testing, with essays discussing the paying of humans for research, using animals as test subjects, whether or not women should receive screening mammograms starting at the age of forty, and more.

Human medical trials

Contains a collection of essays that examine the history and consequences of human medial trials in the United States, including information on the Tuskegee study, the Willowbrook Hapatitus study, and the Fernald School radiation experiments.

Teenage waistland

a novel
In their separate voices, three morbidly obese New York City teens relate their experiences participating in a clinical trial testing lap-band surgery for teenagers, which involves a year of weekly meetings and learning to live healthier lives.

Chasing medical miracles

the promise and perils of clinical trials
Describes the benefits of clinical trials in health care, examines the problems associated with the execution and reporting of results, and discusses the 1998 FDA approval of Vioxx--a painkiller that caused eighty-eight thousand heart attacks in Americans--and other related incidents.
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