Explores the characteristics of various bodies found throughout our galaxy, including stars, nebulae, and clusters. Details the properties of galaxies beyond our own and includes black-and-white graphs and diagrams.
Presents the history of mathematics around the world, with information about how various key mathematical concepts were developed, and the foundations and philosophy of mathematics.
Introduces the theories and formulas of statistics and probability, profiles significant individuals in the mathematical fields, and offers visual summaries of concepts.
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and the dwarf planets
Gregersen, Erik
An exploration of the outer solar system that discusses asteroids, meteors and meteorites, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto and the Kuiper Belt, and comets. Includes appendixes of moons and black-and-white photographs.
An introduction to the features of the inner solar system, discussing the composition and origin of the solar system, and covering the sun, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Earth's moon, eclipses, and Mars.
An overview of astronomy that covers astronomical techniques and applications; the motions of various objects in the universe; observatories and telescopes; famous astronomers from ancient times through the twentieth century, and the impact of the field on humankind.