Inside guide: human body systems

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The human circulatory system

"The human circulatory system is essential for pumping blood throughout a person's body. Without it, humans wouldn't be able to live. This guide to a basic biology concept explores the main elements of the circulatory system, introduces key parts such as blood vessels and the heart, examines problems with this system, and offers a comprehensive review of one of the most complex parts of the human body. Complete with fact boxes and . . . sidebars, accessible language, discussion questions, and descriptive photographs and diagrams, this introduction will appeal to readers at a variety of levels"--Provided by publisher.

The human respiratory system

"The human respiratory system is what makes people able to breathe. Without it, people wouldn't live for very long! This . . . guide to a basic part of human biology explains what the respiratory system is, how it works, and the key organs used in the process. Fact boxes, . . . photographs and diagrams, and accessible language paint a detailed picture of the respiratory system and highlight its importance for human life. Readers are also asked to think independently about life science through discussion questions based on the . . . text"--Provided by publisher.

The human nervous system

"The nervous system is the messenger system of the human body. Without it, you couldn't move your muscles, type on a computer, or think! This title offers a comprehensive breakdown of the nervous system, highlighting key aspects connected to it, such as nerves, signals, and reflexes. Through easy-to-understand language, . . . fact boxes, . . . sidebars, and . . . photographs and diagrams, readers are able to . . . comprehend this vast and complex system. They also are able to identify why it is one of the most important parts of the human body with the help of . . . discussion questions"--Provided by publisher.

The human muscular system

"The muscular system gives humans their shape and helps them move their body. Without muscles, people would look very different--and they wouldn't be able to move! This inside guide to our muscles uses . . . examples, discussion questions, sidebars, and fact boxes to dive in to what makes the muscular system work. Age-appropriate language is used in conjunction with detailed photographs and diagrams to explain key concepts such as main muscles in the body, ways muscles can be strengthened or weakened, and the primary functions of the muscular system, including maintaining posture, strength, and movement"--Provided by publisher.

The human digestive system

"The digestive system helps humans get the most out of every meal or drink. It also rids the body of unwanted material. This closer look at an essential human body system explains the ins and outs of the digestive system, including its location within the human body, the organs used in digestion, and ways excreting certain materials benefits the human body. Its color photographs and diagrams, fact boxes, and sidebars keep readers interested and offer comprehensive insight into one of the most important parts of the human body. Discussion questions are also included to strengthen readers' understanding of life science"--Provided by publisher.

The human circulatory system

"The human circulatory system is essential for pumping blood throughout a person's body. Without it, humans wouldn't be able to live. This guide to a basic biology concept explores the main elements of the circulatory system, introduces key parts such as blood vessels and the heart, examines problems with this system, and offers a comprehensive review of one of the most complex parts of the human body. Complete with fact boxes and . . . sidebars, accessible language, discussion questions, and descriptive photographs and diagrams, this introduction will appeal to readers at a variety of levels"--Provided by publisher.
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