Barder, Gemma

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Be a dog expert

"Do you know your Pugs from your Poodles? This guide to everything dog and puppy is packed with essential information from different dog breeds to how to look after a dog to facts about famous and record-breaking dogs"--Provided by publisher.

Be a cat expert

"Do you know your Siamese from your Shorthair? This guide to everything cat and kitten is packed with essential information from different cat breeds to how to look after a cat to facts about famous and record-breaking cats"--Provided by publisher.

Be a reptile expert

Do you know your corn snakes from your crested geckos? This guide to everything reptile is packed with essential information from different kinds of reptiles to how to look after a reptile to other fascinating facts.

Be a rabbit expert

Do you know your Flemish Giant from your Mini Rex? This guide to everything rabbit is packed with essential information from different breeds to how to look after a rabbit to other fascinating facts.

Be a hamster and guinea pig expert

Do you know your Syrian hamsters from your Skinny Pigs? Whether you own a hamster, rat, or guinea pig, this guide to everything rodent is packed with essential information from the usefulness of rodents in history to how to look after different kinds of rodents to other fascinating facts.

Be a horse and pony expert

"Do you know your Shires from your Shetlands? This guide to everything horse and pony is packed with essential information from different breeds to how to look after a pony to facts about famous and record-breaking horses"--Provided by publisher.

Be a reptile expert

"Do you know your corn snakes from your crested geckos? This guide to everything reptile is packed with essential information from different kinds of reptiles to how to look after a reptile to other fascinating facts"--Provided by publisher.

Be a rabbit expert

"Do you know your Flemish Giant from your Mini Rex? This guide to everything rabbit is packed with essential information from different breeds to how to look after a rabbit to other fascinating facts"--Provided by publisher.

Be a horse and pony expert

Do you know your Shires from your Shetlands? This guide to everything horse and pony is packed with essential information from different breeds to how to look after a pony to facts about famous and record-breaking horses.

Be a dog expert

Do you know your Pugs from your Poodles? This guide to everything dog and puppy is packed with essential information from different dog breeds to how to look after a dog to facts about famous and record-breaking dogs.


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