education, higher

Topical Term
education, higher

The game of life

college sports and educational values
Examines the influence of athletics on such college and university aspects as class composition, budgetary spending, campus ethos, and a school's core mission.

Academically adrift

limited learning on college campuses
Examines the amount of learning that occurs in students during their first two years of college, discusses findings that reveal limited advancement in critical thinking, complex reasoning, and writing skills, and describes the negative impacts of socializing, employment, and the institutional environment on learning.

Educating elites

class privilege and educational advantage
A collection of studies that inquires into the experiences of privilege in educational environments to gauge educational inequality, rather the traditional studies focusing on poverty-disadvantaged school.


what it was, is, and should be
Examines the history of higher education in the United States, the problems with the system now, and what can be done to make it available to future generations.

Higher education?

how colleges are wasting our money and failing our kids--and what we can do about it
Presents arguments for what the authors believe is wrong with the modern higher education system, which schools are doing better than other schools, and what can be done to fix the schools.

Debt-free U

how I paid for an oustanding college education without loans, scholarships, or mooching off my parents
The author, a personal finance consultant and college student at the University of Massachusetts, shares ideas for getting a solid college education without borrowing money and going into debt.

Paying for college

practical, creative strategies
Provides practical strategies to help students find alternate ways of paying for college, with information on scholarships, financial aid, and other cost-reduction measures.

The chosen

the hidden history of admission and exclusion at Harvard, Yale, and Princeton
Traces the admissions history of America's Ivy League schools, explaining how the admissions and exclusion policies of Harvard, Yale, and Princeton evolved throughout the twentieth century.


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