higher education

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higher education

Colorado College

off the record
For honest, unbiased information, College Prowler delivers an inside look at college, straight from the students' mouths. Complete with hundreds of quotes, grades, stats, and reviews, each student-written guide offers a comprehensive collection of information on one particular school. See how students rate their campus when it's time to look beyond the brochures and talk about key issues that really matter.

Colgate University

off the record
Written by students, for students, this book uncovers the real scoop on college life at this institution: academics, security, food and housing, social life, parking, etc. Everything one needs to know to make his/her college career a success.

Case Western Reserve University

off the record
Written by students, for students, this book uncovers the real scoop on college life at this institution: academics, security, food and housing, social life, parking, etc. Everything one needs to know to make his/her college career a success.

Bucknell University

off the record
For honest, unbiased information, College Prowler delivers an inside look at college, straight from the students' mouths. Complete with hundreds of quotes, grades, stats, and reviews, each student-written guide offers a comprehensive collection of information on one particular school. See how students rate their campus when it's time to look beyond the brochures and talk about key issues that really matter.

Bryn Mawr College

off the record
Written by students, for students, this book uncovers the real scoop on college life at this institution: academics, security, food and housing, social life, parking, etc. Everything one needs to know to make his/her college career a success.

Brown University

off the record
Written by students, for students, this book uncovers the real scoop on college life at this institution: academics, security, food and housing, social life, parking, etc. Everything one needs to know to make his/her college career a success.

American University

off the record
Written by students, for students, this book uncovers the real scoop on college life at this institution: academics, security, food and housing, social life, parking, etc. Everything one needs to know to make his/her college career a success.

Allegheny College

off the record
For honest, unbiased information, College Prowler delivers an inside look at college, straight from the students' mouths. Complete with hundreds of quotes, grades, stats, and reviews, each student-written guide offers a comprehensive collection of information on one particular school. See how students rate their campus when it's time to look beyond the brochures and talk about key issues that really matter.

Reaching out

Francisco Jimenez, the son of Mexican immigrants, describes the challenges he faced as a student at Santa Clara University in California in the 1960s.


edupunks, edupreneurs, and the coming transformation of higher education
Examines the crisis of increasing college tuition that impacts first-generation, low-income, and minority students who primarily dominate the coming generation. Proposes radically changing traditional higher education and replacing it with personal learning networks and paths that blend experiential and digital methods of learning and free and open models. Provides a reference guide, websites, chapter notes, and an index.


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