A collection of eighty-five German recipes, covering soups and stews, Sunday dinners, sweet main courses, cakes, cookies, jams, jellies, and preserves, and includes personal stories from six German grandmothers.
A guide to preparing classic and modern German cuisine that contains more than two hundred easy-to-follow recipes for a variety of dishes, plus information about the historical and cultural origins of the dishes.
A culinary tour of Germany, featuring essays and photographs on the country's foods, wines, restaurants, and dining traditions, and including hundreds of recipes for regional specialities.
A guide to German cookery that provides a historical overview and information about major foods and ingredients, cooking practices, typical meals, eating out, special occasions, and diet and health.
revised and expanded to include new low-fat and vegetarian recipes
Parnell, Helga
An introduction to the cooking of Germany featuring such traditional recipes as spaetzle, hot potato salad, Black Forest torte, and marzipan. Also includes information on the history, geography, customs and people of this European country.