Sixteen-year-old Nate, an academically gifted student who attends an exclusive private boarding school, straddles two cultures as he returns home for occasional visits to see his family and "gangsta crew" in Harlem, New York.
Bored with school, Jane, a precocious reader, neglects her homework and alienates her classmates by making up incredible stories about herself until her teacher, Mrs. Sims, finds a creative solution.
how to make the most of kids' strengths at school and at home
Smutny, Joan F
Contains a practical guide for the parents of a gifted child including how to be an advocate for the rights of gifted children, connecting with other parents of gifted children, and knowing what programs exist for the gifted.
Examines issues that are of concern for young people who have been labeled "gifted," exploring what the label means and discussing intelligence testing, educational options, and relationships with parents and friends. Includes first-person essays on being gifted.
Biographical accounts of remarkable individuals in history who achieved noteworthy goals at an early age, from young warrior and Mongol leader Genghis Khan to nine-year-old world chess champion Nawrose Nur.