Lee, Bruce

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JFK: boyhood to White House

Bruce Lee

artist of life
A collection of writings on martial art and the art of living by actor Bruce Lee.

Bruce Lee

words from a master
Contains three interviews with martial artist Bruce Lee conducted by journalists Ted Thomas of England, Pierre Berton from Canada, and Alex Ben Block of the United States, in which he shares his insights on life, art, and career; and includes commentary by the interviewers on their experiences with Lee.

Boys' life of John F. Kennedy

The Tao of gung fu

a study in the way of Chinese martial art
Presents writings done by Bruce Lee beginning in 1964 on Chinese gung fu, in which he discusses both the techniques and the philosophy of the martial art form.

Bruce Lee : the celebrated life of the golden dragon

Profiles the life and career of actor and martial artist Bruce Lee.

Bruce Lee

wisdom for the way
An illustrated collection of inspirational and thought-provoking quotations by martial artist and actor Bruce Lee.
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