Cohen, Miriam

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Eddy's dream

A group of children helps one of their classmates stop spoiling their play and follow his own dreams.

Will I have a friend?

Jim's anxieties on his first day of school are happily forgotten when he makes a new friend.

Jim meets the Thing

The only one in first grade afraid of The Thing, Jim overcomes his fear on the playground.

The new teacher

Before they ever meet her, the first graders imagine what their new teacher will be like.

Jim's dog Muffins

When Jim's dog is killed, the other first graders experience with him his natural reactions to death.

Robert and Dawn Marie 4 ever

A fourteen-year-old boy in Brooklyn who has grown up in the foster care system discovers respect and love with a parochial school girl and with the eccentric couple who take him in.

The new teacher

Before they ever meet her, the first graders imagine what their new teacher will be like.

Down in the Subway

While riding on a hot subway train in New York City, Oscar and his family meet the Island Lady and experience the sights, smells, tastes, and sounds of the Caribbean islands.

Don't eat too much turkey!

The first graders get tired of Anna Maria's bossy ways during the Thanksgiving preparations.


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