Essential careers

Compare Series: 

A career as a carpenter

Provides an introduction to carpentry and offers information on how to have a successful career as a carpenter.

A career as a police officer

(found in career section)
Provides an introduction to law enforcement and offers information on how to have a successful career as a police officer.

A career as a physical therapist

Provides an introduction to physical therapy and offers information on how to have a successful career as a physical therapist.

A career as a hairstylist

Provides information about a career as a hairstylist, discussing the skills needed, educational requirements, training programs, and other topics.

Careers in construction

Presents a guide for a career in construction, covering the many sides of construction, working with stone, working with metal, large machinery operation, home construction, planners, leaders and managers, and finding and keeping a construction job.

A career as an athletic trainer

Describes what athletic trainers do, how one becomes an athletic trainer, job opportunities for athletic trainers, and more.

A career as a cosmetologist

Describes the career of cosmetologists, and how to get a job.

Careers in pharmaceutical sales

Offers advice on how to have a successful career in pharmaceutical sales, discussing education and explaining what the job entails.

Careers in meteorology

Describes careers in meteorology and how to prepare for a career.

Careers in aviation

Describes the career paths available in the field of aviation, including pilots, air traffic controllers, aerospace engineers, and customs officers, and describes the education and training required for each position.


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