Discover physical science

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Discover motion

"Take a look out the window. What do you see? People, cars, bikes, birds, and more are all on the move. With this basic introduction to motion, young readers will discover the three laws of motion, what they mean, and how they affect our lives every day"--.

Discover magnets

"What would our world be like without magnets? Computers, radios, phones, and TVs wouldn't work correctly. And many other modern machines wouldn't exist. With this basic introduction to magnets, young readers will learn how magnets work and how useful they are our world today"--.

Discover gravity

"What would happen if gravity didn't exist? People and objects would float into space! With this basic introduction to gravity, young readers will discover how gravity works and how it affects everything in our world and beyond"--.

Discover forces

"How do you get something to move? You use force to move it with a push or a pull. With this basic introduction to forces, young readers will learn about physical forces and how they are at work in our world every day"--.
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