Reproductive technology / McCoy, Erin L.

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Reproductive technology

indispensable or problematic?
"Millions of people around the world suffer from infertility. For them, the prospect of having a baby may have seemed unattainable just a century ago. However, new technologies have not only made it possible for more people to have children but have also helped parents assess the health of their babies before they're even born. Treatments include artificial insemination, in vitro fertilization, preimplantation genetic diagnosis, and amniocentesis. However, these new treatments have also sparked controversies involving the boundaries of government control, private choice, religious belief, and parental wishes. This book helps readers explore the many sides of this complicated issue"--Amazon.

Reproductive technology

indispensable or problematic?
Briefly explores the history of reproductive technology and modern debates and controversies surrounding reproduction. Discusses the religious viewpoint, the history of eugenics, sperm and egg donation, and the ethics of genetic engineering. Includes a glossary.
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