Privacy in the digital age

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Identity theft

Explores the aspects of one's identity and types of identity theft. Discusses the harmful effects of identity theft and possible ways to prevent it both now and in the future. Includes sidebars, graphs, facts, primary sources, critical thinking questions, color photographs, a glossary, and further resources.

Personal data collection

Presents the history of data collection and examines how data is used for research, sales, and surveillance. Explores concerns surrounding personal data collection, and discusses its future. Includes sidebars, graphs, facts, primary sources, critical thinking questions, color photographs, a glossary, and further resources.

Cell phone privacy

Explores the topic of cell phone privacy, discussing various scams, identity theft, concerns surrounding cell phone privacy, and helpful security measures. Includes sidebars, graphs, facts, primary sources, critical thinking questions, color photographs, a glossary, and further resources.


Presents the history of surveillance and examines how the government and private companies conduct surveillance using GPS, drones, body cameras, facial recognition, and cookies. Explores concerns surrounding surveillance, and discusses the future of surveillance technology. Includes sidebars, graphs, facts, primary sources, critical thinking questions, color photographs, a glossary, and further resources.


Traces the history of hacking and explores the topic of cybercrime, discussing various scams, types of malware, identity theft, cyberbullying, and possible security solutions. Includes sidebars, graphs, facts, primary sources, critical thinking questions, color photographs, a glossary, and further resources.
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