Seba, Jaime

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Gay issues and politics

marriage, the military, & work place discrimination
Examines issues facing gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender individuals, discussing marriage, the military, and workplace discrimination, and includes personal perspectives from people who have faced them.

Steve Jobs

from Apples to apps
Describes the life and accomplishments of the inventor and businessman, from the founding of Apple Computers to building it into one of the most successful companies in the world, stressing his achievements in spite of only having a high school education.
Cover image of Steve Jobs

Gay issues and politics

marriage, the military, & work place discrimination
Examines issues facing gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender individuals, discussing marriage, the military, and workplace discrimination, and includes personal perspectives from people who have faced them.


Explores what prejudice means for blacks today, what is being done to fight it, and what an individual can do to make a difference, and includes a personal story from someone who has faced prejudice.

Ellen DeGeneres

from comedy club to talk show
This book describes the life and career of Ellen DeGeneres, who began her career doing stand-up comedy routines in New Orleans coffee houses and who today has one of the most successful talk shows on television.

Gallup guides for youth facing persistent prejudice

Offers advice and encouragement for teenagers facing discrimination due to their LGBT orientation.

Gay characters in theater, movies, and television: new roles, new attitudes

Examines the influence of gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender characters in theater, movies, and television on attitudes about gay and lesbian people, and discusses the history of the inclusion of LGBT characters and issues in entertainment.

Smashing the stereotypes

what does it mean to be gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender?
Examines stereotypes about gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender individuals, and discusses how readers can reduce them and learn more about diverse people.

Gays and mental health

fighting depression, saying no to suicide
Examines the prevalence of mental illness among gay individuals, and discusses how readers can reduce or eliminate threats that would cause a homosexual person to become depressed and suicidal.

Gay people of color

facing prejudices, forging identities
Examines the experiences of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender--LGBT--individuals who also face prejudices because of race or ethnicity, describing the discrimination that can be found within and outside of the LGBT community.


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