Bias in America

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Muslim in America

A Muslim is a follower of the religion Islam, which is the fastest growing religion in the world. What most Muslims in America have in common, aside from their faith, is that they face negative stereotypes and bias incidents from other Americans. This book examines what bias looks like, how widespread it is, how it affects real people, and efforts to address it.

Black in America

"Black people have suffered through racial bias since the day, more than four hundred years ago, when the first African slaves were forced into labor on colonial Virginia farms. In recent years African Americans have been the victims of police shootings as well as racial bias found on campuses and places where they shop. "Black in America" examines what bias looks like, how widespread it is, how it affects real people, and efforts to address it"--Provided by publisher.

LGBTQ in America

"LGBTQ people have been the objects of intolerance, hatred, and discrimination for centuries. Although society has become more accepting of LGBTQ people in recent years, they still face bias in almost every aspect of their lives. [This book] examines what bias looks like, how widespread it is, how it affects real people, and efforts to address it"--Provided by publisher.

Jewish in America

Presents the history of the rights of Jewish people in the United States and explores the ways in which Jewish people experience bias. Highlights how that bias has led to the discrimination of American Jews. Includes color photographs and resources for additional information.

Hispanic in America

Presents the history of the Hispanic American identity, and details how Hispanic Americans experience bias in the United States. Highlights how that bias has led to the discrimination of Hispanic Americans, includes color photographs and additional resources.

Black in America

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