Teen health series

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Suicide information for teens

health tips about suicide causes and prevention including facts about depression, risk factors, getting help, survivor support, and more
Provides basic information about suicide, examining causes, threats, warning signs, and risk factors; looks at the links between teen suicide and mental health disorders; describes different types of psychotherapy and medication for teens at risk for suicide; offers advice on how to help friends who are thinking about killing themselves; and includes advice on dealing with grief.

Sports injuries information for teens

Provides teen-specific information about sports injuries, discussing emergency treatment, describing sports injuries commonly suffered by teens, and discussing rehabilitation and physical therapy, prevention, sports nutrition, and safety.

Alcohol information for teens

health tips about alcohol and alcoholism
Provides basic consumer health information for teens on the health effects of alcohol use, along with facts about identifying alcohol problems, and prevention and treatment strategies. Includes index, resource information and recommendations for further reading.

Eating disorders information for teens

health tips about anorexia, bulimia, binge eating, and other eating disorders
Provides basic consumer health information for teens about causes, prevention, and treatment of eating disorders, along with healthy eating tips. Includes index, resource information and recommendations for further reading.

Allergy information for teens

health tips about allergic reactions such as anaphylaxis, respiratory problems, and rashes, including facts about identifying and managing allergies to food, pollen, mold, animals, chemicals, drugs, and other substances
Provides basic consumer health information for teens on allergies, types of allergic reactions, testing and treatments, and includes index, resource information and recommendations for further reading.

Mental health information for teens

health tips about mental health and mental illness : including facts about anxiety, depression, suicide, eating disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorders, panic attacks, phobias, schizophrenia, and more
Describes normal life stresses as well as the symptoms and treatments of a variety of mental health problems.

Fitness information for teens

health tips about exercise, physical well-being, and health maintenance
Discusses the importance of physical fitness during the teen years, examines the fundamentals of fitness, describes various activities, provides information about nutrition, sports supplements, and mental wellness, and looks at some of the things that can derail a fitness program.

Pregnancy information for teens

health tips about teen pregnancy and teen parenting
Provides basic consumer information for teens about maintaining health during pregnancy, preparing for childbirth, and caring for a newborn. Includes index and resource information.

Tobacco information for teens

health tips about the hazards of using cigarettes, smokeless tobacco, and other nicotine products
Discusses the health risks and physical dangers caused by tobacco for teenagers, examining the cultural influences that lead teens to smoke cigarettes or use tobacco, and providing tips and advice to overcome a nicotine addiction.

Stress information for teens

health tips about the mental and physical consequences of stress : including information about the different kinds of stress, symptoms of stress, frequent causes of stress, stress management techniques, and more
Provides basic consumer health information for teens about common causes of stress, the effects of stress on the body and mind, and coping strategies.


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