"In Creating Digital Videos, readers learn how to creatively shoot and edit videos and safely publish them online to share with friends and family. Activities throughout the book prompt students to think more deeply, be creative, share information and resources, and grow their knowledge"--Publisher.
"[Teaches young readers how] to bust boredom with technology. Learn how to put together a digital photo album, create a blog, produce a stop-motion movie, and [more]"--Provided by publisher.
Presents a self-teaching guide to digital home movie making, featuring information on choosing the most appropriate digital camera and computer software, lighting, sound, editing, special effects, and guidance for digitizing old film and movies.
DVD-ROM includes sample media and support files, essays and articles related to the chapters, demo versions of Adobe After Effects and Adobe Photoshop and the Windows version of Adobe Premiere Pro, Adobe Audition and Adobe Encore Pro DVD.