Lightbox. Personal finance

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Understanding taxes

Hardly anyone likes paying taxes, but they are necessary. They support your federal, state, and local governments. Learn where tax money goes, the differences between sales and income taxes, and how to make your taxes work for you in Understanding Taxes.

Giving back

Sharing what we have helps others live healthier and happier lives. There are so many ways to give. Learn how to choose the right charity, how much to give, and how to give of your time in Giving Back.

Using credit wisely

When you buy something on credit, someone else loans you money to pay for your purchase. If you repay your loans on time, you get a good credit rating. If you don?t, you get a bad credit rating. Learn about the different kinds of credit, how to calculate interest, how to keep credit records, and more.

Starting your own business

In order to turn your ideas into a successful business, you first need to understand how a business works. Learn how to write a business plan, find investors, market your business, and more.


Investing means purchasing something of value, with the expectation that it will make you more money in the future. To understand investing, you have to understand a variety of terms. Learn about inflation, dividends, bonds, stocks, and more in Investing.


Investing means purchasing something of value, with the expectation that it will make you more money in the future. To understand investing, you have to understand a variety of terms. Learn about inflation, dividends, bonds, stocks, and more in Investing.

Giving back

Sharing what we have helps others live healthier and happier lives. There are so many ways to give. Learn how to choose the right charity, how much to give, and how to give of your time in Giving Back.

Understanding taxes

Hardly anyone likes paying taxes, but they are necessary. They support your federal, state, and local governments. Learn where tax money goes, the differences between sales and income taxes, and how to make your taxes work for you in Understanding Taxes.

Using credit wisely

When you buy something on credit, someone else loans you money to pay for your purchase. If you repay your loans on time, you get a good credit rating. If you don?t, you get a bad credit rating. Learn about the different kinds of credit, how to calculate interest, how to keep credit records, and more.

What is money?

In ancient times, people exchanged goods for other goods or services. However, bartering frequently grew complicated. People began using currency, or money, to put a value on a product. Learn about the history of money, why it has value, and the importance of managing your money.


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