The history of issues

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Public health

This book is an anthology of articles on public health discussing how it has evolved from Ancient Rome to the twenty-first century and the challenges of the future.

People with disabilities

This book is an anthology of articles on increased rights for people with disabilities, the need for mainstreaming classrooms, whether funding for special education is excessive, and how technology has opened doors for children with disabilities.

Drug abuse

This book explores the debate concerning drug use from colonial days to the twenty-first century, discussing the fight against drugs, legalization, abuse, addiction, and treatment.

Church and state

Essays and primary source documents provide a historical overview of debates related to church and state in the United States.

Hate crimes

Contains twenty-two essays that offer varying perspectives on issues related to hate crimes, including historical events, hate groups and anti-hate groups, legislation against hate, and hate crimes in the post-September era, and provides a chronology, contact information for organizations, and a bibliography.


Contains a collection of twenty-four controversial essays that debate the subject of suicide including early religious views on suicide, teen suicide, and physician-assisted suicide.

Gun control

Contains fourteen articles that provide opposing viewpoints on issues related to gun control, debating the questions of whether people should have the right to own guns, what measures will reduce gun violence and crime, and can gun control prevent school violence.


Presents a collection of twenty-four controversial essays that debate the causes and prevention of crime including the death penalty, the Patriot Act, gun control, the war on drugs, and corporate crime.


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