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The most influential
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The 12 most influential scientific discoveries of all time
Oachs, Emily Rose
"Presents readers with the most important scientific advances in history, from the idea that Earth is round to the discovery of DNA." --.
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about The 12 most influential scientific discoveries of all time
The 12 most influential photographs of all time
Ventura, Marne
"Presents readers with the photographs that have impacted generations, from the first X-ray to firefighters at Ground Zero." --.
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about The 12 most influential photographs of all time
The 12 most influential movies of all times
Krasner, Barbara
"Presents readers with the films that have entertained and enlightened viewers for decades, from King Kong to Frozen." --.
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about The 12 most influential movies of all times
The 12 most influential books of all time
Krasner, Barbara
"Presents readers with the books that have shaped the world, from Shakespeare's First Folio to the Harry Potter series." --.
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about The 12 most influential books of all time